Product features:Welding cases...
Workpiece proofing:The factory is equipped wi多日th a variety of power precision inv長資erter spot welding machin舊都e (touch welding machine), ho低還t press welding machine a木下nd seam welding machine, as well as hu年但ndreds of clamps and welding 章訊heads suitable for different products 物劇(clamps and welding heads can also b器作e designed acco信妹rding to the products對議). No matter any produc視算t of your company has welding d中志ifficulties, we welcome you to co看鄉me to our company (or send the workpie都金ce to our compa場廠ny) for welding pro年近ofing. Our engineers h亮也ave many years of "res美來istance" Both "welding research" a船劇nd deep underst什農anding of welding proce跳志ss are likely to help you find員要 the best welding solution.