Spot welding sp志媽ecification of spo理路t welding machine refers 媽影to the synthesis of proc做著ess parameters that determine the proc們電ess during the compl畫姐etion of a spot weldin我自g cycle. Welding specif睡國ication is one of the important 聽技factors to determine the we學一lding quality. When spot w報技elding, the welding current is lar計他ge and the power on time is 要美short. Usually, it is customary to ca間話ll a power on a current pulse. 慢機Each solder joint needs one 行開or several main pulses to form the 聽金nugget. According to the requirem低風ents of material spot we話花lding, sometimes there are auxilia票鐵ry current pulses such as preheating村生 and afterheating, as well as step elec從資trode pressure or saddle一多 electrode pressure. Therefo話亮re, there are sing如裡le pulse specification見哥s, double pulse 謝用specifications, 計得multi pulse specifications 海有and variable pressure specifications去白.
Spot welding specification param我資eters mainly include welding curr數家ent, welding time, electrode p件訊ressure and ele高我ctrode end size. The followin遠藍g focuses on the electrode物這 pressure of th窗花e lower spot welding 信飛machine. If the elec南那trode pressure is t村那oo large or too small, the load-動筆carrying capacity of the solder joint w懂低ill be reduced and the d放報ispersion will be increased, especially新如 the tensile lo在為ad. When the electrode pr他森essure is too smal就金l, due to the lack of pl場件astic deformati朋章on range and deforma門都tion degree of the 票好metal in the welding area, the 司車heating speed increas科務es due to the excessive current d員人ensity, and the p制喝lastic ring is too lat務雨e to extend, resulting in se高新rious splashing. 子鐵This not only changes the shape and 事但size of the nugget, bu城日t also pollutes the environment and學討 is not safe, whic飛和h is absolutely not allowed. If市光 the electrode pressur雪機e is too large, the錢嗎 contact area will i聽答ncrease, the total resistance and curr化線ent density will decrease, and the heat姐紅 dissipation of welding will in遠區crease, so the size of nug飛草get will decreas筆技e, and in serious cases, there will錯窗 be incomplete pe場習netration defec匠低ts.
It is generally considered tha男船t when increasing the electro好可de pressure, the爸上 welding current or 笑對welding time should be incr裡你eased properly to keep the heatin說校g degree of the welding area風土 unchanged. At the 作樹same time, due to the incre空銀ase of pressure, it can機錯 eliminate the b術舊ad effects caused by the 員信insufficient assem多化bly clearance and ri得知gidity of weldment. Therefore女舊, not only the st熱媽rength of solder joints rem拿機ains unchanged, but also t數美he stability is greatly improved. But t頻腦he increase of electrode pres在一sure is limited by the powe和討r of welding machine.