Influence of gain value of high freq空服uency resistance welding

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-04-25 22:16老城浏覽次數:
To achieve faster welding speed is the 報厭hope of many enterprises. In resista線業nce welding, using larg人著e current and short time (hard 哥公specification) welding is one of the o答黑ptions. Therefore, it is always體道 expected that the welding curr弟物ent will rise faster. T嗎錢his is the same as the pul林木se hot press welding machin中笑e, the heating speed should be道月 increased. There is an opti紙機on of gain in the pulse購師 hot press welding machine. By modi刀都fying the "g知答ain" and changing the heating rat從黃e, there is also算術 gain in the high frequency resi為來stance welding machine.
In high-speed welding of h紅上igh quality, the current rising舊飛 speed of high-frequency店中 resistance welding machine plays a v火什ery important role. Generally speaki紙司ng, the faster the rising sp門都eed is, the better. For example, the ri上物sing speed of transistor sp們嗎ot welder is faster and smooth風女er than that of high frequency sp動吃ot welder. This is a different腦歌 concept from the current我空 slow rise setting in we畫笑lding parameter s內務etting, which c作物an not be confused, especial對子ly pointed out.
"Gain" is人就 a parameter that determ森廠ines the speed of cu動資rrent rise.
The greater the gain setting, t自又he faster the current鄉了 will rise. Generally, 4kH服話z inverter spot we費街lding machine can reach the set value錯暗 within 2ms. However, if t民他he gain is too la筆錢rge, the current will fall back t中海o the set value (wit動日h current peak 跳日value) after rising to 10% h技事igher than the set value, forming放習 current overshoot, which is benefici河子al for welding some products, but will 少習cause bad phenomena su技生ch as explosion when welding some好你 products. This requires 南火experienced technologists to車電 choose suitable "gain" weld窗白ing power models for cu這事stomers.
The "gain" of som討來e resistance spot 討訊welding machine m購路odels of Miyagi company can be set聽銀 externally, which saves a lo鄉器t of trouble for the sa少農lesperson to sele車可ct. Of course, it also adds a varia化暗ble for the customer to determine男高 the process parameters. But it's我理 better than nothing, which may見個 be one of the reasons why the price o花暗f its products is舞女 high.
The "gain" of the hi吃村gh frequency resistan房通ce welding machine produced by ou那就r company can not be set externally, bu藍問t we can set the app房話ropriate "gain" bef快商ore leaving the factory according t時校o the characteristics of the白雨 products welded by customers.樹舊 In some industries, we hav頻玩e formed correspon坐們ding series of welding power 報電supply to adapt to the welding cha黑錯racteristics of indu站如strial products. If the custom快在er can give us workpiece 路議or put forward 日呢relevant requirements before choosin近習g high frequency re有廠sistance welding machine or high fr近男equency welding power supply, w西著e will evaluate and conf房老igure the customer before leaving見讀 the factory.
Last week, we met a customer who ask呢來ed for automatic weldi哥錯ng of alloy wire. We hav子小e matched the equipment the custom明腦er ordered this哥體 time, which will make 體上the customer more satisfied in terms答北 of performance.